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reinhard goebel.


"No other German musician has exercised such deep influence on the development of historical performance practice as Reinhard Goebel." From the press release on the occasion of the awarding of the Bach medal of the City of Leipzig to Reinhard Goebel

Venerated by the Süddeutsche Zeitung as an "early music icon", and extolled by the New York Times as a "beacon in a sea of mediocrity", Reinhard Goebel specialises in the repertoire of the 17th till early 19th centuries. As an expounder of period performance practice for both early music ensembles and modern orchestras, and as an endless fount of knowledge about gems of the repertoire, he is a world-renowned specialist. He is an awardee of the prestigious Bach medal of the City of Leipzig, which was bestowed to him in 2017 for his “pioneering and vigorous exploration of repertoire offside the established names“.

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